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Heat Advisory Warning-Wallingford Residents

Temperatures are expected to exceed 90 degrees this week.  Please remember that high heat and humidity can result in several dangerous heat related conditions including heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  These can pose life threatening situations if people are not adequately prepared.  Preparations should include drinking plenty of water, avoiding strenuous activities, staying in air-conditioned rooms (if possible) and being aware of any symptoms of heat-related illness (heavy sweating or no sweating at all, elevated body temperature, muscle cramps, confusion, fainting or unconsciousness.  Please call 911 immediately for any medical heat related condition. 

Also, remember to never leave any person or pet in a vehicle even for a short period of time…temperatures can become elevated extremely quickly and overwhelming to any occupants causing serious injury or death.  Please Note that the Wallingford Town Hall will be open as a shelter during this heat advisory.  Wallingford Rescue and the Gilbert Hart Library are alternate locations. For further information please call 802-446-2336

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